Monday, May 11, 2009

We're blogging!

For those of you that know me - you know that I only know enough about computers to be dangerous! So, you'll have to bear with me as I figure out this blogging thing. Thank God that I have kids that are up to speed on this stuff. It may take me a while to type these out, I can talk a whole lot faster than I can type (My dad told me that I was vaccinated with a phonograph needle - isn't he cute!!)

I hope to be sharing some pictures of projects that are in the works, new fabrics & classes that we are doing here at Cottonpickers and of some of the quilts that you bring into the shop. We get to see some of the most awesome quilts from our customers. This truly is the best job in the world!! You ladies inspire me soooooo much! Now, if there were only more hours in the day to keep up with all those UFO's. Sleep isn't as overated as I thought it was at one point.

Have a wonderful Monday! Beth